School Rules
  • The Almanac should be carried by every student to school every day.

  • All students should arrive at school before the start of the Home Room period.

  • The bell before the assembly is a signal for the students to go to the assembly. As soon they are back in their classes, the students should get their books ready for the first period. They should maintain perfect discipline.

  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Students who are not in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their classrooms.

  • Non-skin body should get a proper hair-cut at regular intervals.

  • Shouting on anything is not allowed in or around the school building. Throwing of anything at anyone is strictly forbidden.Other than textbook or library books/ other books like, magazines, papers, CDs, Removable memory card, pen drives etc. should not be brought to school without the Principal’s permission.

  • Lending or borrowing money or any article is not permitted.

  • The school is not responsible for articles lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pens, calculators. I pods, I-pads, tabs, cell phone and jewellery etc. to school.

  • School property must be taken care of and no one should scratch or spoil the desk or share or damage any school furniture, write or draw any thing on the wall.

  • Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher /class prefect or the Principal.

  • Any damage caused will be made good by the student concerned together with a fine imposed for search an offence.

  • Any one who notice something damage should report even he or she does not now who has done it. Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instrument to school.

  • Students should take care of the digital class equipments installed in different class room

  • Coming to school on self-driven automobiles is strictly not allowed and anyone found doing so even after school hours shall be penalized severely amounting to expulsion from the school

  • Students who comes to school under the care of guardian/servant/cab/rickshaw-puller should never arrive before he/ she to take them back. In case of delay. They should report to the school office.Students who comes to school under the care of guardian/servant/cab/rickshaw-puller should never arrive before he/ she to take them back. In case of delay. They should report to the school office.

  • Those who go home alone should not roam about on the way but should return home straight.

  • Students are warned not to buy anything from the street vendor.

  • Students should be polite wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them.

  • Bullying is strictly prohibited in the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished.

  • The school reserves for itself the right to terminate any student whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is a bad example for others.

  • Bringing fireworks/exploding crackers or splashing water or color on the students in the school premises is strictly forbidden even during festival times. Non-compliance of these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.

  • The Name, Class, Section of the student repeated be clearly marked on his/her belongings.

  • School appointees should wear their respective badges daily.

  • Students must come to school in uniform only. This rule applies even when they come to school for any purpose other than attending classes or even after school hours.

  • For the safety and security of the students, the entire school premises is equipped with CCTV Cameras which automatically record any movement/should sound. CCTV footage may be used for disciplinary action against any act indiscipline.